About Us
SafeAir Certified Mold Inspection Inc.

Jeremy Shelton - Certified Microbial Consultant
My name is Jeremy Shelton, and I provide all of the mold testing and mold inspection services performed by SafeAir Certified Mold Inspection. I founded SafeAir Certified Mold Inspection in 2009 after discovering a severe mold problem in the crawlspace of the house I had just purchased. The mold growth in the crawlspace of the residence was polluting the air in the living area of the home, and I developed health problems as a result of the indoor type mold spores I was breathing.
Shortly after moving into the home I developed severe sinus congestion and suffered from sporadic headaches as a direct result of the toxic mold spores that I was breathing every day. Initially I was unable to discern the root of my health problems. My sinuses were dry and clogged, I felt fatigued all the time, and the headaches became more frequent. Initially, I attributed my sinus congestion to airborne allergens like pollen and my other health problems to stress. Over the course of about a year my symptoms slowly worsened and my quality of life began to suffer as a result.
Still unaware of the mold infestation in my crawl space, the headaches and fatigue were finally impacting my life to the point where I decided to consult with my physician. After multiple visits and tests, I still didn’t have an explanation. Eventually I discovered what seemed like a never ending nightmare in my crawlspace. Rain water was consistently entering the crawlspace of the home, providing the perfect environment for mold to thrive. The resulting infestation covered most of the wood components underneath the den. The structure was covered in a layer of mold that I can best describe as a thick white powder. The support beams, supporting the structure of the home, were damaged beyond repair and had to be replaced.
After having spore trap air samples collected in the crawlspace and upper level of the home, it was discovered that there were elevated levels of Aspergillus / Penicillium and Stachybotrys mold spores in the air in both the crawlspace and living area of my residence. After this discovery I decided to move from the residence, and my sinus congestion, headaches, and fatigue cleared up quickly. I then began doing as much research as I could on the subject of mold growth in homes, which eventually led to my first certification course as a Certified Mold Inspector and Assessor and SafeAir Certified Mold Inspection was born shortly thereafter.
After the completion of my first certification course, I started SafeAir Certified Mold Inspection and began to providing mold testing and mold inspection services for clients throughout the metropolitan Atlanta area. Studying indoor type mold growth began to be a life consuming passion for me.
In the years to come, I earned a certification in Water Damage Restoration as well as a certification for Applied Microbial Remediation through the IICRC. I then earned an additional certification as a Certified Microbial Consultant through ACAC. I also have a degree from the University of Georgia, in Business Marketing, which I completed in 2001. Many of the math and science courses I completed at the University of Georgia were applied toward earning my certification as a Certified Microbial Consultant through ACAC.
I still continue to study mold growth in homes with the goal of being the best mold inspector that I can be. I believe that studying mold growth in homes is a never-ending endeavor and will continue to do so throughout my career as a Certified Microbial Consultant. I am very knowledgeable in the subjects of mold growth in homes, mold testing, and mold inspection. I enjoy helping others resolve their mold problems by providing mold testing and mold inspections throughout the state of Georgia. I have provided mold testing, mold inspection, mold consultation, and advice for hundreds of clients throughout Georgia and it is my passion to help others in regard to resolving their indoor mold problems.
My future goals are to continue to help others resolve their indoor mold problems with the best and most reliable methods that are available. I am also passionate about building an informational website that is the most informative informational forum on mold growth in homes, so that individuals with mold problems can refer to in order to resolve their indoor mold problems. Please call me for your mold testing, mold inspection, and mold consultation needs.