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Can I Remove A Mold Problem Myself? | DIY Mold Removal

<h1>Can I Remove A Mold Problem Myself?</h1>

Hi, I’m Jeremy with SafeAir Certified Mold Inspection and I am a Certified Microbial Consultant. You can find me on the web at or you can also call me at 404-695-0673.

A question I am often asked is: Can I remove mold myself?

Deciding whether to cleanup the mold yourself or to hire a professional depends on numerous factors. 

For small mold problems, caused by water damage, that are less than 10 sf, you can probably remove the mold problem yourself. I recommend reviewing the “Mold Cleanup Tips and Techniques” on the EPA’s website. The EPA’s website has advice and recommendations for removing small mold problems. 

For mold remediation projects that are larger than 10 sf., that is caused by water damage, it is wise to have an experienced professional remediate the mold. 

They will need to have containment in place, with negative pressure, and other proper engineering controls, so the mold does not spread to unaffected area. 

Professional mold remediators need to remove the mold problem using the best practices that are learned by taking IICRC mold remediation classes. 

If you see mold indoors that is not associated with water damage, the mold problem is likely due to high humidity, and indicates that the air is severely contaminated and there is a lot more mold growth indoors that you can’t see.

For mold growth indoors that is associated with high humidity, I recommend hiring a professional mold inspection company to collected air samples to determine which indoor locations are contaminated, so a cleaning plan can be established. 

When the air is contaminated, there is going to be non-visible mold contaminants on every surface including walls, ceiling, floor, and personal contents that need to be remediated.

For mold problems associated with sewage or other contaminated water, I recommend hiring a professional mold remediator.

I recommend having air samples collected, by a professional mold inspector, after a mold remediation or if you are having health problems that are believed to be associated with mold exposure.

If you have health concerns, I recommend consulting with a medical doctor.

If you have questions about mold or need mold testing and mold inspection services, please call SafeAir Certified Mold Inspection.

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